Tips for Standing Out on Graduation Day with the Perfect Outfit

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Graduation day is fast approaching, and we know you want to make an impression on your forthcoming day. However, on this particular occasion, away from your gorgeous graduation tassels and stoles, you will also have the opportunity to show off your personal style.

Here are some tips on how to stand out on your graduation day with the right outfit.

  1. Check your gown for any signs.

While you might have ordered the lovely graduation tassels shipped fast, before you spend any money on a designer dress or other luxury attire, you might need to think twice. After all, you don't want to get an outfit that doesn’t blend well with the robe. Check that the robes you ordered are appropriate for the occasion and fit well regardless of the weather. Remember, you might be doing a lot of sweating.

  1. Include a backup plan.

If you are going to be concerned about sweating or ruining your graduation outfit, then it is better to select a second clothing option just to be safe. Grab a second piece of clothing and put it in your vehicle, with family or friends, or anywhere else handy. This allows you to wear a casual dress for daytime festivities and a more formal gown for evening parties and celebrations.

  1. Choose a mature look.

While you will most likely conclude the night with friends, don't forget about all of the family and group photographs that will be taken after the diploma presentation. Consider this occasion to be a watershed point in your transition from college life to the real adult world. It is a period when you will wish to present a more mature, sophisticated appearance to your family.

  1. When in doubt, stick to the tried-and-true.

Bold designs and classic hues are never out of style. For both men and women who want to avoid the dress or skirt appearance, a plain button-down and fitted pants is an excellent solution. If you do choose the latter, choose a dress with at least one pocket. This is due to the fact that purses and handbags are sometimes a barrier when walking down the aisle.

  1. Improve on your makeup.

While you should avoid attempting any dramatic makeovers, it is a good idea to put on some cosmetics. This is due to the fact that a little mascara, blush, lipstick, and/or concealer may go a long way toward making you feel more confident. Plus, you'll look fantastic in all of the photos and videos that are certain to follow!

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